Have you ever wondered why some people’s presentations are so good? Well there is a technique you can learn. One tip is don’t use the word thing. Define what that thing is.
BEST members were recently treated to a masterclass by Patricia Fripp, probably the best public speaking coach in America. Arranged through one of our members, Derek Arden, ‘Fripp’ as she is known took members and guests through how to open your speech, close your speech and just about everything in between.
It us amazing just how much difference a successful presentation can make. Whether it’s getting you a new customer, motivating your team or encouraging your shareholders, how you present makes all the difference. ‘Fripp’ who travelled back to the UK from California (she’s English-born) to speak to BEST is the latest guest speaker at our Group and showed just how important BEST is in educating and inspiring members to develop their business skills.
Patricia Fripp’s latest book is available on Amazon “Deliver Unforgettable Presentations”. Buy it!