In August, Laurie Rogers of Brandmakers, SR Design and Pelissier delivered a presentation on brand names. A Rose by any other name may smell as sweet but would changing the name from roses to pigwort result in more sales?
He gave examples of different types of brand names as well as some examples of unfortunate brand names which turned out to be rude words in other countries.
A brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolized by a trademark,which, if managed properly, creates value and influence. A trademark is normally a name, a colour and a graphic. Each is important but we will discuss just names today.The objective of naming is to develop ownable trademarks and trade names that express a brand’s promise and provide an easy way for consumers to identify and interact with it. Brand names are valuable economic assets.
There are different types of names.
Descriptive – common language that isn’t considered trademark protectable
Suggestive – Describe but also suggest attributes More trademarkable
Abstract names – Little relationship with the goods but very distinctive. Can extend to other markets/products
Coined names – Word combinations that previously didn’t exist. Most commonly word roots.
Composite names – Existing words that are combined to create a new brand name. Real world names – Common words that are not normally associated with with that product or service.
To see and hear the whole presentation click here